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Weekly Blog: May 4-12

Updated: May 20

Hello! Welcome to my first weekly blog post. I want to be more active on this blog, so what better way to do that then give weekly updates!

Last weekend was a busy weekend. May 4th was my first wedding dress appointment! I may have found "the one" but I want to try on a few others before I make the final decision.

Before wedding dress shopping, Mike and I grabbed Chin's Asia Fresh which has become our new favorite chinese restaurant. The egg drop soup and fried spring rolls are so good.

Sunday, May 5, Mike and I did a photo shoot for Perfy, a mood boosting soda. We went to "Big Slide Park" in Madison. As we left, we saw a sign that said the park was for residents only, so while it is a fun park, I don't want to encourage folks to go there that aren't residents. I am surprised the resident sign isn't near the road or the big slide, so maybe they do welcome in outside friends. Driving around, I finally saw a killdeer. I have been hearing them all season, but couldn't spot one. I immediately pulled over to watch it walk around the parking lot.

The work week was a bit different, but not in an adventurous way. Fearing my upcoming 5k, I walked 3.1 miles. Lilacs, my favorite flower, are in full bloom. I had been on the verge of a cold all weekend. I stuck it out on Monday but stayed home Tuesday during a pretty big thunderstorm, sleeping on the couch most of the day. Back in the office on Wednesday, I watched cardinals and robins and listened to mourning doves coo outside my window. Thursday was the first Madison Night Market so I had to go and check it out. I bought a shirt from Holla Threads, a cheese hair clip from Pearl and Jelly and eyed up the milk tea buckets from Le C's but decided to do that another day. Thursday and Friday I spent prepping for my first "yard sale" for Monona Parks "Junk in the Trunk". My brother, Ethan, came down to bring a few extra items to try and sell. During his evening visit, we went to Takara for their conveyor belt sushi and Yummee for boba.

This was my third visit to Takara Sushi Station. First time, we did the buffet on the conveyor belt, the second was for a regular lunch, and then I took Ethan for the buffet experience. Overall, I find the sushi great and the experience fun. However, it comes at a pretty hefty price point, about $40 per person. Personally, I can barely finish one roll in a sitting, I typically take the whole day to eat it. While fun to go with friends, I don't think this is worth the price point for me, but that's how I feel about all buffets. I will definitely be back for their sushi and Ethan and I discovered sesame mochi, which I may need to get again.

I probably hit up Yummee Treats at least once a week. All my friends want to go there and I often get the craving myself. It is a great place to hang out and catch up. I am not a big sweets person but most folks know and love them for their giant warm cookies. I love them for the variety of drinks and great milk tea. I love creating various combos. They are a boba place that automatically includes a basic boba, so if you want a different boba, be sure to remove the basic when ordering. Otherwise, enjoy double boba!

Saturday came and it was time for my big yard sale. I was there pretty early to set everything up. I waited and waited and barely anyone came. I realized there were no signs directing drivers to us and there wasn't even a mention of the event on the parks website. This was the first year for "Junk in the Trunk" so it was a lot of learning. Eventually, we had a rush and I covered my sellers fee which is what I was anxiously needing to do. I made an ok profit and got rid of a few things, which was the final goal. Depending on my schedule, I hope to do this again next year-hopefully with more advertising!

Being the silly person I am, I prepared the day before by making sure to bring sunscreen. I knew I would be in the sun all day. Saturday came and it was windy and not very summer feeling at all. So I put on a jacket and ignored the sunscreen thinking I was covered enough. I write this to you all today with burnt feet and face. Always sunscreen no matter how awkward.

This morning I visited Just Love Coffee to grab a coffee to kickstart my day. All I can think about is the watermelon refresher on their menu I need to go back for. Currently, I am drinking the Toffee Coffee which I am enjoying, but does remind me that I don't like mochas no matter what else is in it. So next time, a caramel latte and a watermelon refresher!

Happy Trails!

~The Tacky Tourist

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