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Writer's pictureThe Tacky Tourist

Weekly Blog: June 17-30

This "weekly blog" post is going to overview two weeks!

The most exciting thing I did during the week of the 17th is go to Costco after work with my friend and eat a rotisserie chicken in the food court. I wanted the chicken so I got the chicken.

On Saturday was my company picnic so I spent the day shuffling around family members. I was really excited for this day so even with the rain, we all made the best of it.

We ended the evening with a tornado warning and a wonderful dinner at Craftsman Table and Tap. They are one of (if not THE) best places to get cheese curds.

On Sunday, we went with the family to Vitense Golfland. We did the outdoor Wisconsin route and then the indoor Madison route.

On Monday, Mike and I did a short hike at the UW Arboretum. It was a nice way to end a Monday.

This week, I was obsessing over a craft I decided to do so that took most of my time. It was wedding related so I can already tell that things are going to get less travel-y and more wedding-y.

On Saturday, I went to Grace Coffee Co in Cottage Grove for a latte and got myself an apple tart while I was there. It was soooo good. I've been thinking about it a lot since.

I visited Lake Mills for the Town and Country Days Parade. This was an impressive parade including a visit from the Racing Sausages.

When I returned home from the parade, Mike and I went to Vintage Brewing Co for a late lunch. I hadn't been there in a hot minute and oh my were their fries good. I have been testing out various root beers and I can say I wasn't a fan of theirs, but to each his own. Everything else was great!

I can't believe June is over!

Happy Trails!

~The Tacky Tourist

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